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Conquering the Quantum Threat

Quantum-Safe Cryptography

The quantum threat is real and quickly approaching, especially for compromising public-key cryptography. To address this challenge, we introduce our Quantum-Inspired Key Distribution algorithm, which is unaffected by quantum attacks and ensures effective public key distribution in classical computer networks

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography relies on the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and remains unaffected by the computational power of classical or quantum computing. At our company, we step up quantum cryptography with Quantum Secure Communication guaranteeing unbreakable quantum-powered data encryption at the physical layer.

Combinatorial Optimizations

The road to quantum advantage is paved with solving real-world problems. We leverage Quantum Problem Formulations that encompass a vast variety of combinatorial optimization problems for classical computing to deliver practical benefits addressing real-world challenges today.


Why It's Relevant
On the Edge of the Quantum Era


Conquering the Quantum Threat

The quantum threat is real and quickly approaching. Both NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology - US) and NCSC (National Cyber Security Center – UK) recognize the severity of this threat posed by quantum computing to long-term cryptographic security, especially for compromising public-key cryptography. In 2017, NIST stated that organizations should "be prepared … as early as 10 years from now.“ The use of quantum-safe (or post-quantum) cryptography solutions mitigating this threat is recommended once such solutions become available and “well before any large-scale quantum computers are built”. Public key cryptography, which underpins today's internet security and is responsible for secure key distribution, is threatened by the quantum computational power and efficient classical algorithms exploiting recent and potential future advances in number theory. In contrast, quantum cryptography relies on the quantum nature and is unaffected by the power of classical or quantum computing. Qunundrum leverages traditional cryptography for classical computer networks with uncompromising quantum-inspired key distribution and enhances it with innovative quantum cryptography, ensuring quantum secure communications that guarantee unbreakable quantum-powered data encryption at the physical layer. For further information and a more comprehensive understanding of these matters, we invite you to contact us.

Practical Benefits of Quantum Problem Formulations

The road to quantum advantage is paved with solving real-world problems. The 21st century is the era of mathematics, with approximately 30% of the total gross value attributed to mathematical science. Combinatorial optimization, which is the intersection of applied mathematics, computer science, and operations research, deals with a wide range of problems encountered in everyday life, engineering, and science. Combinatorial optimizations are ubiquitous in finance, industry, government, and widely used in real-world applications, including AI and machine learning, telecom networks, manufacturing and robotics, vehicle routing, logistics, and more. Combinatorial optimization problems involve finding the best solution from a vast number of feasible solutions represented by permutations. These problems are notoriously difficult, even when searching for good solutions that approximate the optimal ones. In recent years, it has been demonstrated that a mathematical formulation called QUBO (Quadratic Unconstraint Binary Optimization) can encompass a vast variety of combinatorial optimization problems. The QUBO model serves as the foundation for formulating combinatorial optimization for quantum computing. While the quantum advantage or potential speedup for solving combinatorial optimization problems remains an active area of research, classical hardware has already benefited from practical solutions that have emerged through the application of quantum problem formulations. These solutions enable the present-day solving of optimization problems, providing tangible benefits for tackling real-world challenges. At Qunundrum, we leverage quantum problem formulations for classical computing to deliver practical benefits addressing real-world challenges today. For further information and to explore specific use-cases and practical applications, please contact us.

How it works
About Us

Benefiting from over 30 years of founder experience in the high-tech industry, we are dedicated to driving technology innovations and proactively exploring new horizons. We leverage our expertise to identify technology gaps in today's quantum and AI-powered digital landscape. By efficiently filling these gaps with advanced, innovative solutions tailored for businesses, researchers, and developers, we empower our clients to lead at the forefront of innovation.


Our mission is to drive true innovation by combining science and technology, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge solutions. We embrace scientific achievements and technological breakthroughs to continuously push boundaries, developing innovative solutions that meet ever-evolving customer needs.


We prioritize long-term partnerships to deliver tailored, innovative solutions and services that address the imminent challenges of the rapidly approaching quantum era. Our expertise benefits customers by fostering collaboration and empowering them to gain a competitive edge in 21st century's digital landscape.

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For further information about our company or to explore specific use-cases and practical applications, please fill out the contact form below. Alternatively, you can reach us via email or phone.

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Tel: +376 688 706

Qunundrum Research and Technologies,
Bld. Bomosa-Alba, 5 Doctor Mitjavila Av.
AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra.

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